Black Maternal Mortality Task Force Report

This past year has been a challenging one for the health and well-being of our neighborhoods across The Bronx. The severe harm that the COVID-19 pandemic has inflicted on our communities has shined a light on the wide disparities in healthcare access and outcomes that have long afflicted our borough, city, state, and country. This year, we have expanded our health work into an area that has not seen nearly enough attention: the climbing rate of Black maternal mortality. Over the past several years, The Bronx, like the rest of the country, has seen the rate of Black maternal mortality – maternal deaths before, during and after childbirth – increase at a rapid rate. The Bronx’s mortality rate is higher than New York State’s as a whole and the mortality rate for Black women is much higher than for women of other races. We must address this problem. Click here to download the complete report.


COVID-19 Toolkit for Black Communities.