“Boosting our Communities for a Healthy Holiday Season” on Wednesday November 2nd from 12-1:30pm EST

Please join the CUNY Graduate School of Public Health and Health Policy's New York Vaccine Literacy Campaign in collaboration with Ryan Health and Harlem Health Initiative for the webinar “Boosting our Communities for a Healthy Holiday Season” on Wednesday November 2nd from 12-1:30pm EST. This virtual conversation with local health, medical, and communication experts will discuss fall booster shots and the recommendations for a healthy holiday season. The questions you submit during your registration will be answered and presented based on their experiences and knowledge. This webinar will be held in both English and Spanish. Please register here.

Preparando a Nuestras Comunidades Para Una Temporada Navideña Saludable – 2 de noviembre, 12PM

Acompañe a Ryan Health, Harlem Health Initiative y NY Vaccine Literacy Campaign para una conversación virtual con expertos locales en salud, medicina y comunicaciónes para hablar de las vacunas de refuerzo en otoño recomendadas para una temporada navideña saludable. El grupo de expertos responderá a las preguntas que usted envíe durante su inscripción y expondrá sus experiencias y recomendaciones. ¡Inscríbete aquí! Miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2022, 12:00PM – 1:30 PM.

Bronx Health Link

The Bronx Health Link amplifies the voices of Bronx residents and community-based organizations and equips them with the tools to achieve health equity.


Need quality childcare in NYC? We have some resources for you!!


Drop-in Pregnancy Options Counseling for Expectant & Biological Parents in The Bronx.