Maternal & Infant
Health Advocacy

The Bronx Health Link amplifies the voices of Bronx residents and community-based organizations and equips them with the tools to achieve health equity. Join a breastfeeding, safe sleep, self-care, and maternal depression workshop.

In NYC, Black and Brown women are 10 times more likely to die from childbirth-related causes as white women.

In The Bronx, that figure is as high as 34 women dying of childbirth-related causes. The Bronx Health Link amplifies the voices of local residents and community-based organizations and equips them with the tools to achieve health equality. Click here to read health news and reports.

Please help us by supporting the work of The Bronx Health Link, Inc.


  • TBHL 2nd Annual Community Baby Shower

    Join us for TBHL’s 2nd Annual Community Baby Shower on Wednesday, April 16, 2025, from 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM at Monroe College: King Hall Gym, 2501 Jerome Ave, Bronx, NY 10468. In collaboration with State Senator Gustavo Rivera and Bronx Borough President Vanessa Gibson, this event offers valuable resources, exciting raffles, and essential health education for new and expecting parents. Don’t miss this empowering and celebratory afternoon for families in our community!

  • 2º Baby Shower Comunitario Anual de TBHL

    ¡Acompáñanos en el 2º Baby Shower Comunitario Anual de TBHL el miércoles 16 de abril de 2025, de 12:00 PM a 4:00 PM en Monroe College: King Hall Gym, 2501 Jerome Ave, Bronx, NY 10468! En colaboración con el Senador Estatal Gustavo Rivera y la Oficina de la Presidenta del Condado de Bronx, Vanessa Gibson, este evento ofrecerá recursos valiosos, rifas emocionantes y educación vital sobre salud para nuevas y futuras mamás. ¡No te pierdas esta tarde de empoderamiento y celebración para las familias de nuestra comunidad!

A Look Back at Our 1st Annual Community Baby Shower!

We are thrilled to share the highlights from our 1st Annual Community Baby Shower, which brought together families, community leaders, and organizations for a heartwarming day of support and joy.

Event Highlights from Last Year

  • Special Guests: New York State Senator Jamaal Bailey and Bronx Borough President Vanessa L. Gibson kicked off the event with inspiring words of encouragement and community support.

  • Community Resources: Local organizations provided valuable information and resources to support maternal and infant health.

  • Fun & Giveaways: Families enjoyed engaging activities, games, and special giveaways that brought smiles to parents and children alike.

Perinatal Workshops Offered In-Person and via Zoom in English and Spanish

  • Taller de Depresión Materna

    Este taller virtual de 60 minutos ayudará a los participantes a definir la depresión materna y comprender la diferencia entre la "tristeza posparto" y la depresión materna. Además, identifique recursos a los que una persona embarazada o un padre pueda acceder para apoyarlos si experimentan sentimientos de depresión o ansiedad.

  • Maternal Depression Workshop

    This 60-minute virtual workshop will help participants define maternal depression and understand the difference between the "baby blues" and maternal depression. Additionally, identify resources that a pregnant or parenting person can access to support them if they are experiencing feelings of depression or anxiety.

  • In-Person Breastfeeding Workshop

    A TBHL/MIH Project, aims to help parents make informed infant feeding choices by providing key breastfeeding information for a more confident and positive experience.

  • Baby-Wearing Workshop hosted by Rosdaly Ramirez

    Join TBHL for a baby-wearing workshop with guest doula Rosdaly Ramirez! Learn the art of safely carrying your baby and explore the benefits of babywearing with wraps, slings, and carriers.

  • Taller de sueño seguro para bebés

    Este taller virtual de 60 minutos brindará a los participantes información sobre la importancia de los comportamientos de sueño seguros para los bebés, abordará inquietudes y brindará recursos adicionales para ayudar a los cuidadores a mantener a los bebés seguros durante el tiempo de sueño.

  • Taller de Lactancia Materna

    Este taller remoto de 2 horas, que es un proyecto de TBHL/MIH, tiene como objetivo ayudar a los padres a tomar una decisión informada sobre la alimentación de sus bebés, brindándoles a los participantes información clave sobre la lactancia materna. Con un mayor conocimiento y confianza en sí mismos, la lactancia materna puede ser una experiencia positiva y exitosa.

  • Taller de Cuidados Personales

    TBHL y el Proyecto MIH te invitan a un taller interactivo a distancia de 60 minutos sobre el autocuidado como herramienta clave para gestionar el estrés. Aprende estrategias prácticas para incorporar el autocuidado a tu rutina diaria y mejorar tu bienestar.

TBHL Programs

TBHL in the community!

Our services and programming are made possible with funding from: